Our Products

In addition to offering high-quality engineering services such as design, project management and development, the IFB sells its own products and provides technical and commercial services for them.

With growing mobility and the high demands it brings with it, we have set ourselves the goal of constantly achieving high results in quality and flexibility with our products and services. This leads us to create optimal conditions for our partners and their projects.

OPN – OpenPowerNet

Dynamic simulation of electric vehicles and power supply networks

Brief description:

OpenPowerNet is a simulation tool for electrical network calculation. A simulation tool is needed for the prognosis and analysis of energy consumption in electrical systems. OPN is one of such tools that we offer. This software is based on rail operation simulation. This is carried out by OpenTrack. Coupled simulation allows a more detailed study of very complex systems.

Are you interested?

For more information, visit

Or directly to

Martin Jacob
+49 (351) 87759 -90

Inspecting Authority “Stationary Optical Uplift Measurement”

Service for contact wire uplift measurement within the framework of the approval of vehicles or overhead lines

Brief description:

The scope of services of the inspecting authority includes contact wire uplift measurement within the framework of the approval of vehicles or overhead lines without interfering with railway operation and rail power supply. Contact wire uplift is measured at contact wire support and in between. The measured values are evaluated using a video and special software (video measuring tool).
At the same time, precision requirements in accordance with DIN EN 50317 are fulfilled.

Are you interested?

For more information, visit

Or directly to

Dr. Jochen Hietzge
+49 (351) 87759 – 30

Dimensioning Analysis

DIMA – Dimensioning Analysis for the dynamic calculation of rolling stock main dimensions

Brief description:

This analysis is used for the calculation of rolling stock main dimensions, which means predefinition of length, width and height of vehicle bodies and running gears using conventional German and European standards. It helps in the calculation of rolling stock construction gauge, typical articulated train sets and vehicles with active tilting system.

Are you interested?

For more information, visit

Or feel free to get in touch with us for a demo version via mail: kontakt@software-dima.de

FMA – Contact Line Position Measurement

FMA – Contact Wire, Measurement and Analysis system for the automated evaluation of contact wire position measurements

Brief description:

The contact line position measurement is based upon the comparison between the measured contact line geometry and the respective tolerances and thresholds. FMA is able to process data of different measurement systems and to display this data clearly. Poles and droppers are automatically detected by FMA. Differences and overstepping of thresholds are marked differently according their severity. Here, it is possible to use thresholds defined in the correspondent standards (Re100, Re200, Re250, Re330) or to define them by your own. As a result FMA generates a report with measurement data, tolerances and checks.

Are you interested?

For more information please contact

Gábor Müller
(0351) 877 59 – 60

RSA Tool - Wheel Rail Analysis Tool

RSA Tool – Wheel Rail Analysis Tool for evalutations and assessment of synthetic and measured wheel and rail profiles

Brief description:

The RSA Tool is used for calculation and evaluation of synthetic and measured wheel-rail-profils and their interactions. Different parameters as the wheel profile dimensions or contact points, rolling radius difference, geometric contact forces, equivalente conicitiy and non-linearity can be evaluated. Formstability parameter and the elliptical contact stress (Hertz) can be calculated as well. With this tool an assessment of the wheel and rail profiles in relation to wear, running stability, comfort or the evaluation of infrastructural measures and even more is possible.

Are you interested?

For questions regarding the services offered by RSA tool, please contact us through the company’s wheel-rail:

Or directly to

Dr. Tobias Herrmann
(030) 39 99 24 – 54


The imprint for the websites of the IFB Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH is available at Imprint.

The IFB Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH is
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certified.


Get in touch with our head office in Berlin:
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 39 99 24 - 0
Email: ifb-berlin@bahntechnik.de

Get in touch with our branch office in Dresden:
Tel.: +49 (0)351 / 8 77 59 - 0
Email: ifb-dresden@bahntechnik.de

Data protection

The privacy policy for the website of the IFB Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH is available at data protection.

If you have a privacy related query about our website, you can contact us here: datenschutz@bahntechnik.de